In order to comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following general information about the Clares Reformas website is provided:
Owner: Clares Reformas
Phone: +34 635 010 891
These terms and policies apply to the Clares Reformas website. By accessing, registering, posting, commenting, or using our portal in any way, you expressly accept these terms of service and give your express consent to the processing of your data in accordance with the privacy policy established here by the website owner. If you do not accept the conditions or our privacy policy, you must leave our website service.
The owner of the Website and responsible for the data protection file is Clares Reformas.
We begin our journey into the world of comprehensive reforms, where every space becomes an opportunity to bring your dreams to life.
Our expert team dives into each project with enthusiasm, ensuring that every aspect, from structure to finishes, meets your expectations and needs.
Contact us without obligation and inquire about our personalized services.
OBJECT: Clares Reformas reserves the right to modify these terms of service eventually, so the user must be attentive to possible updates on each visit.
The purpose of Clares Reformas and all the services it offers on the web is to provide an informative, entertaining site with content and opinions on different topics related to renovations, published and commented on by different users of the portal who do so voluntarily and assume responsibility for their content and opinions.
To access and use the portal, it is required to be of legal age in your country and to ensure that access and use of the portal and/or content is legally permitted in your country. In any case, access and use of the portal by users with residences and legislations different from Spain will be understood as done under their sole and exclusive responsibility, exempting Clares Reformas from any liability.
The User undertakes to make appropriate and lawful use of the website and the Contents, in accordance with the applicable Legislation, these conditions of service of the website, generally accepted morals and good customs, and public order. Users, by inserting an opinion, entry, article, or comment, expressly consent to its publication on the portal, knowing and accepting that once published, it may be viewed by anyone accessing it from the web or through other methods. The user agrees to assume responsibility for their publication and to release Clares Reformas from any liability for claims, demands, or damages of any kind and nature (direct or emerging) arising from or in any way related to such dispute.
The user is strictly prohibited from the following acts:
If you detect any content or information that violates our rules, we would appreciate it if you would notify us immediately by email at
Both access to this website and the use that may be made of the information and contents included therein or accessible therefrom will be the sole responsibility of the user, without Clares Reformas being able to have any responsibility for such uses.
Clares Reformas, by offering a free service, reserves the right to delete or not admit the publication of content, opinions, or comments that are not in line with our policies or that are offensive, with foul language or insults, discriminatory, with bad manners, spam, unrelated, etc. Comments and content are attempted to be verified after publication without prior control to allow for better flow of the web system, and due to the volume, although we try to verify and eliminate content that violates our policies afterwards, some may escape, in which case we ask you to notify us to remove it as soon as possible. Clares Reformas is not responsible for the content and opinions published by users and/or third parties; however, and without prejudice to the foregoing, our liability to you or third parties is limited to the highest of the following amounts: (a) the total amount you have paid or paid to Clares Reformas during the twelve months prior to the action that gave rise to the liability.
Los contenidos del portal están protegidos por la normativa española e internacional vigente sobre propiedad intelectual teniendo todos los derechos reservados. El usuario puede navegar a través del portal para su visualización como uso privado. La mayor parte del contenido y comentarios de todos nuestros portales se ofrecen bajo licencia Creative Commons ( ) en la parte en la que podemos ofrecerlo, sin aplicarse dicha licencia a contenidos cedidos, fotografías, imágenes de prensa, o diseño del portal. Se permite citar los contenidos en modo no comercial citando siempre el enlace a los mismos sin «nofollow». Si encontrara cualquier material que infrinja sus derechos de propiedad intelectual le rogamos nos lo comunique directamente para proceder a su eliminación inmediata. Los usuarios que publiquen contenidos o comentarios deberán citar la fuente de los mismos en caso de haberla.
GRATUIDAD: Clares Reformas presta el servicio de forma gratuita, por lo que se reserva el derecho de suspender, interrumpir o reincida el servicio en cualquier momento, modificar los contenidos de la web o cederla o venderla a un tercero incluyendo el diseño y/o programación o dominio de la misma. Clares Reformas excluye cualquier responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios de cualquier naturaleza que pueda sufrir el usuario por el uso de la web y especialmente (pero no únicamente), en lo relativo a existencia o efectos de virus informáticos (como enlaces que puedan publicar algunos usuarios), veracidad o actualidad de los contenidos propios o ajenos, contenidos y opiniones expresadas por cualquier usuario o blogger, imágenes, y/o enlaces externos publicados.
DATOS PERSONALES. Al utilizar Clares Reformas, usted consiente que (actuando como «Responsable del Tratamiento») recoja, transfiera, conserve y utilice sus datos personales en servidores alojados en cualquier parte del mundo, como se describe en nuestra política de protección de datos indicada mas abajo en este mismo documento.
ENLACES EXTERNOS: Clares Reformas no comprueba el contenido de páginas o enlaces externos a la red presuponiendo la buena fe de que cumplirán con la legislación vigente, por lo tanto, Clares Reformas no se solidariza, aprueba, ni responsabiliza del contenido de las páginas enlazadas o sus contenidos, cuyos titulares son los exclusivos responsables de las mismas, siendo por tanto totalmente ajenas a Clares Reformas. En el caso de que Clares Reformas estime oportuno o le sea requerido por las autoridades competentes, eliminará los enlaces externos que infrinjan la legislación aplicable y/o menoscaben los derechos de terceras partes.
EXCLUSIÓN DE GARANTÍAS Y RESPONSABILIDAD: Clares Reformas, no garantiza la disponibilidad y continuidad del funcionamiento del portal y no se hace responsable en ningún caso por cualesquiera daños y perjuicios que puedan derivarse de la interrupción en el funcionamiento o fallos informáticos, averías telefónicas, desconexiones, bloqueos, sobrecargas, virus informáticos, ataques externos, uso del portal o los contenidos realizado por los usuarios, o la autenticidad y veracidad proporcionadas por los usuarios. Clares Reformas excluye cualquier responsabilidad por daños y perjuicios de toda índole que pudieran deberse al uso de los servicios y de los contenidos por parte de los usuarios, o que sean fruto de la falta de veracidad, licitud, fiabilidad, actualización, detalle, y/o autenticidad de la información proporcionada por los usuarios o los contenidos, así como los perjuicios relativos a la suplantación de la personalidad efectuada por un usuario en cualquier clase de comunicación en la que medie el portal. Recordamos que el objeto del portal es principalmente el entretenimiento por lo que no debe usarse su información como profesional ni definitiva para realizar compras ni tomar acciones o decisiones en ningún caso ni ningún campo, Clares Reformas, por lo tanto, no se hace responsable en ningún caso de que el usuario destine la información, opiniones o contenidos a otros fines que no sean el mero entretenimiento.
Clares Reformas ha adoptado los niveles de seguridad de protección de los datos personales exigidos en la legislación vigente sobre protección de datos, instalando las medidas técnicas y organizativas necesarias para evitar la pérdida, mal uso, alteración, acceso no autorizado y demás riesgos posibles.
Clares Reformas se obliga a cumplir con la obligación de secreto respecto de los datos contenidos en el fichero automatizado establecido en la legislación de protección de datos aplicable. En particular, Clares Reformas informa que ha suscrito los pertinentes acuerdos de confidencialidad y protección de datos con terceros que tienen acceso a datos personales responsabilidad de Clares Reformas, para la prestación de un servicio a ésta, en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el artículo 12 de la LOPD, comprometiéndose estos terceros a tratar los datos con el único fin de prestar los servicios contratados por Clares Reformas y a adoptar las medidas de seguridad de carácter informático, organizativo y de cualquier otra índole que en cada caso resulten exigibles.
Clares Reformas informa que la recogida de datos en la web se realiza en un entorno tecnológico que aplica altos niveles de seguridad y confidencialidad en la transmisión de la información. Ello no obstante, el Usuario debe ser consciente de que las medidas de seguridad en Internet no son inexpugnables. El usuario se responsabiliza de la seguridad de sus datos de acceso al portal para que no caigan en manos de terceros, haciéndose responsable de los perjuicios que estos pudieran ocasionar en su nombre.
Clares Reformas se reserva el derecho a modificar la presente política de privacidad de datos para adaptarla a novedades legislativas y jurisprudenciales, así como a criterios interpretativos de esta normativa que sean publicados por la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos. En tal caso, Clares Reformas anunciará dichos cambios en el portal con suficiente antelación a su puesta en práctica.
The contents of the portal are protected by current Spanish and international legislation on intellectual property, with all rights reserved. Users may navigate through the portal for private use. Most of the content and comments on all our portals are offered under a Creative Commons license ( to the extent that we can offer it, with this license not applying to content provided, photographs, press images, or portal design. Quoting content for non-commercial purposes is allowed, always citing the link to them without “nofollow”. If you find any material that infringes your intellectual property rights, please notify us immediately for its immediate removal. Users who publish content or comments must cite the source of such content if applicable.
FREE SERVICE: Clares Reformas provides the service for free, therefore reserving the right to suspend, interrupt, or discontinue the service at any time, modify the contents of the website, or transfer or sell it to a third party including the design and/or programming or domain of the same. Clares Reformas excludes any liability for damages and losses of any nature that users may suffer from the use of the website, especially (but not limited to), regarding the existence or effects of computer viruses (such as links that some users may publish), truthfulness or timeliness of the contents, contents and opinions expressed by any user or blogger, images, and/or external links published.
PERSONAL DATA: By using Clares Reformas, you consent to (acting as the “Data Controller”) collect, transfer, store, and use your personal data on servers located anywhere in the world, as described in our data protection policy outlined below in this same document.
EXTERNAL LINKS: Clares Reformas does not check the content of pages or external links to the network, assuming good faith that they will comply with current legislation. Therefore, Clares Reformas does not endorse, approve, or assume responsibility for the content of linked pages or their contents, whose owners are solely responsible for them, and therefore totally unrelated to Clares Reformas. If Clares Reformas deems it appropriate or is required to do so by competent authorities, it will remove external links that infringe applicable law and/or infringe the rights of third parties.
EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES AND LIABILITY: Clares Reformas does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the portal’s operation and is not responsible in any case for any damages and losses that may arise from the interruption of operation or computer failures, telephone breakdowns, disconnections, blocking, overloads, computer viruses, external attacks, use of the portal or its contents by users, or the authenticity and truthfulness provided by users. Clares Reformas excludes any liability for damages and losses of any kind that may be due to the use of services and contents by users, or that result from the lack of truthfulness, legality, reliability, updating, detail, and/or authenticity of the information provided by users or the contents, as well as damages related to identity theft carried out by a user in any communication mediated by the portal. We remind you that the purpose of the portal is primarily entertainment, so its information should not be used as professional or definitive for making purchases or taking actions or decisions in any case or field. Therefore, Clares Reformas is not responsible in any case for the user’s use of information, opinions, or content for purposes other than mere entertainment.
Clares Reformas has adopted the levels of security for the protection of personal data required by current legislation on data protection, installing the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, and other possible risks.
Clares Reformas undertakes to comply with the obligation of secrecy regarding the data contained in the automated file established in the applicable data protection legislation. In particular, Clares Reformas informs that it has entered into the relevant confidentiality and data protection agreements with third parties who have access to personal data for which Clares Reformas is responsible, for the provision of a service to it, in compliance with the provisions of Article 12 of the Spanish Data Protection Act, and these third parties undertake to process the data solely for the purpose of providing the services contracted by Clares Reformas and to adopt computer, organizational, and any other security measures required in each case.
Clares Reformas informs that data collection on the website is carried out in a technological environment that applies high levels of security and confidentiality in the transmission of information. However, the user must be aware that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable. The user is responsible for the security of their access data to the portal so that they do not fall into the hands of third parties, taking responsibility for the damages that these could cause in their name.
Clares Reformas reserves the right to modify this data privacy policy to adapt it to legislative and jurisprudential developments, as well as to interpretive criteria of this regulation that are published by the Spanish Data Protection Agency. In such a case, Clares Reformas will announce such changes on the portal with sufficient notice before they take effect.